I normally consider myself savvy with real estate; this is the third investment home I have owned. Initially, I gave the listing to a realtor who was more of a friend. The house had an offer quickly but the buyer's inspection discovered a mold issue, with "levels higher than they had ever seen in a residential home." My realtor was inexperienced and scared of the mold issue. I was frantic. I called in the department of health and my homeowners insurance company who flew in a mold specialist from Miami. They both agreed that the mold test was performed improperly and declared the home to have no mold issue, but by now the house had been "diagnosed," and the house was virtually black-balled by local realtors. When a second buyer came along, my realtor was trying to convince me to reduce my price considerably and pay for an expensive mold remediation. I knew it was time to switch realtors and was just waiting until my listing contract had expired. I had basically promised it to another "friend" realtor when someone highly recommended Theresa Westlake. I emailed her and was so impressed - she responded with lots of valuable information and contact numbers for me to get this matter resolved. I knew i needed a tiger on my side this time. I chose to give the listing to her. We were able to prove the mold issue was false and a third buyer came to the table. Even with the mold issue resolved, there were six weeks of intense negotiations with the new buyers. I had become very emotionally drained and I can only say that having Theresa on my side allowed me to sleep at night. The house was sold, and Theresa was able to get me $19,000 more than previous offers. At the end of this transaction I am so utterly grateful to Theresa. She's extremely knowledgeable about real estate matters, and whats more, I now consider her a friend.