Just when us New Yorkers thought we were in the clear, and that Spring was around the corner, Mother Nature laughed in our faces and gave us two Nor’easter’s in one week. Some people were just getting their power back days after the first storm only to be snowed in again. It is easy to feel upset, anxious, depressed about this weather, but we need to take a step back and take a deep breath and remember that Spring actually really is around the corner. In fact, the first day of Spring is only twelve days from the day that I write this blog.

great ski weather (which we haven’t had all year)– pretty to look at– time for us to clean, read a book, take a bath, or watch that show we never got around to watching– getting creative with playing with the dogs inside– more time playing with the cats inside– planning indoor activities that you don’t want to do when it’s beautiful out– more inspiration for traveling!
And here are some things to look forward to when Spring comes (really really soon):
– fresh grass smell
– no longer wearing a coat– warm sun on bare skin feeling
– actually putting your window down when driving in a car
– beautiful, colorful flowers
– warm rain storms
-Spring clothes shopping! (could add this to the other list)
– planning Summer events (concerts, birthdays, wine tastings, etc!)
– getting back outside (hiking, walking the dog, barbeques)
These are only a few to tip off the list, but these things can be done any time of year when you have some down time like Spring break, rainy days, etc. Enjoy the change that is before us and keep positivity in your mind!